photography, Uncategorized

Is That a Guilty Look?

Look who we found in the backyard this morning, picking through the leftover birdseed spillage.

Is this the asshole who took down the bird feeders and ruined the fun for everyone? He definitely has a guilty look about him.

2016-06-07 - New Critter

2016-06-07 - New Critter

2016-06-07 - New Critter

Look at that cocky asshole, sticking his tongue out at me!
2016-06-07 - New Critter

I took these pictures through the bedroom window. When I tried opening the window to get a better shot he ran into the woods. The jerk.


Rehearsal tonight.  New strings day.

iphoneography, photography

Getting Ready


I love her so much. Just sayin’.

photography, Uncategorized

Speaking of Our Honeymoon


While looking for something else today I discovered that it was on this date, May 6th in 2009, just a few weeks before our wedding, that I signed up for my Flickr account. Flickr Pro, of course.

Here’s a picture from our honeymoon to celebrate.

San Diego, of course. Here’s hoping we get back there again this year!

Happy Seventh Flickrversary!

photography, Uncategorized



Changed the theme again.  The documentation says that large images will fill the screen.  I wonder if they lied to me.



photography, Uncategorized

2016 Theme
